Tuesday 13 September 2016

Christopher Best - What You Need to Know about Problematic Market Practices

Christopher Best is very interested in finance, stocks, portfolio management and market practices.

Some individual investors choose to purchase stocks through brokers who make a living from the commissions they get from selling the stock. Such brokers will usually tell you that they have an extensive in-house research department and that their recommendations to buy come from the department. While it may sound good, in reality this model has significant flaws.

Christopher Best The biggest problem is a huge conflict of interest. If a broker makes money from selling you stock, they are interested in selling you as much stock as possible, not in you reaching your financial goals. In many cases, brokers do not have to disclose such conflicts of interest. You want to research the laws of your state to find out about different categories of brokers and advisors that you are dealing with. Some brokerage companies may have very impressive names, when in reality, the names mean nothing. Oftentimes such companies are not liable for the advice they provide. They also do not have to get certified or tested to provide their recommendations. This is why it is always a smart idea to know who you are dealing with, what kinds of certifications they have and what they are liable for.

Sometimes a business can hire a brokerage or an investment bank to help sell its stock. The brokerage then needs to create an aura of positivity around the company and its offerings. Many studies of brokerage companies show that their research isn’t worth anything. If you are looking for reliable research just like what Christopher Best gets while earning his degree in finance at Florida International University, find companies that just do research and do not make a commission from selling stock.